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Keep Hopping Away - 10 Best Rabbit Repellent Options for Gardens and Homes

Discover our top picks for Rabbit Repellent, designed to keep your garden or yard pest-free and safe for all. From natural remedies to high-tech deterrents, we’re rounding up the best products to protect your outdoor space against intrusive bunnies. Read on to find the perfect solution for your specific needs.

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Eco-Friendly Animal Repellent: Protect Your Garden from Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits


I decided to give the Bonide Go Away a try after noticing that my lawn and flower beds were suffering from the local wildlife’s activities. I thought this product would be a great solution to keep rabbits, dogs, and cats away from my yard, and it did just that! The natural ingredients in the formula were effective in repelling the animals, preventing them from pooping, peeing, and digging in my garden. The granular formulation made it easy for me to apply the product around my lawn, and the long-lasting natural formula helped maintain the protection for two weeks.

However, one downside I found was the strong smell that comes with the product. While it was effective in keeping the animals away, the aroma was quite strong, and I found myself sneezing while shaking the bottle. Overall, the Bonide Go Away Rabbit, Dog, & Cat Repellent did a great job preventing my yard from becoming a patchwork of animal waste, but the intense smell was a bit of a drawback for me.

EPIC Rabbit Repellent Blend: Safe and Effective Gardening Solution


I recently tried the Rabbit Repellent by EPIC, and let me tell you, it has some good points and some areas where it could use improvement. The granular form does make it super easy to apply around the perimeter of your garden or lawn. Plus, knowing that it’s all natural and environmentally safe gives me peace of mind.

However, I noticed a downside. I followed the instructions, applied the granules, and waited for the rabbits to stay away. Unfortunately, after a few days, they made a comeback. The rain also seemed to wash the granules away.

In the end, I’m not sure if I would recommend this product. There are better alternatives out there that might be more effective in keeping rabbits away from your precious plants. But hey, it’s worth a try if you’re looking for a natural and safe solution.

Rabbit Scram Granular Repellent for Garden Protection


Scram Granular Repellent offers a 6 lb granular formula in a convenient white pail. Its ease of use and no mixing required makes it an excellent choice for those looking for a simple and efficient way to keep rabbits away.

The lack of odor ensures a pleasant experience, and the product is safe for both humans and animals. However, periods of extended sunlight with little rainfall may necessitate frequent reapplications.

Overall, this product is highly regarded for its effectiveness and ease of use.

Eco-Friendly Deer and Rabbit Repellent for Pet-Safe Gardens


As a gardener, I’ve faced the frustration of deer and rabbits wreaking havoc on my carefully tended landscape. That’s why I decided to give Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent a try. I purchased the concentrate formulation, which I found was quite convenient and easy to mix with water in a sprayer.

The first thing I noticed about this repellent was its effectiveness in deterring these pesky pests. Deer and rabbits seem to dislike the smell, and it’s been a few weeks now with no signs of damage. The coverage area is impressive, so I only needed to spray my garden once to achieve great results.

However, there are a few drawbacks to this product. The repellent has an unpleasant odor that can linger on your hands, even after washing them with soap and water. Although it’s rain resistant, it’s crucial to apply it only when the weather is dry, as rainwater could wash off the protection.

Additionally, the sprayer nozzle seems a bit flimsy and hasn’t been as reliable as I’d like. It occasionally clogs up and becomes difficult to use, necessitating a cleanout before I can apply the repellent. Despite these minor inconveniences, I’m glad to have found a product that works well in keeping my garden free from unwanted visitors.

Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent Granular: Effective and Long-Lasting Outdoor Solution


The Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent Granular is a versatile animal repellent designed to keep deer and rabbits away from fragile landscapes without causing any harm. With its rain-resistant formula, this repellent works on scent alone, ensuring that the animals don’t have to come into direct contact with it. It’s safe for both plants and wildlife when used and stored properly, making it suitable for year-round use.

This product is perfect for protecting low-growing flower beds, landscaped ornamental gardens, ground covers, and lawns. The granular form makes it easy to apply and reapply every 3 to 4 weeks for optimal results.

Additionally, this repellent does not require rotation with other repellents, making it a convenient choice for gardeners who want to stick with one product.

Enviro Rabbit Scram Granular Repellent for Pest Control


I recently tried Enviro Rabbit Scram Granular Repellent, and I must say, it’s been a game changer for my garden. I’ve struggled with rabbits for years, and nothing I’ve tried before seemed to work. But with this product, the moment I applied the granules around my flowers and vegetables, it quickly established a band of protection.

What stood out to me is that, unlike some other repellents, Enviro Rabbit Scram doesn’t have a foul smell. I’ve used repellents in the past that would linger, making the area around my plants unpleasant to be in. But with this one, there’s nothing unappealing to both me and the rabbits.

The repellent is easy-to-apply. All I had to do was shake the granules on and around the areas where I wanted to keep the rabbits away. It’s perfect for around organic gardens and areas with pets since it’s environmentally safe and won’t harm animals, people, or plants.

However, one thing that would be great is if the product came with a wider lid to make pouring the granules easier. It’s a minor inconvenience that doesn’t affect the product’s effectiveness, but it’s worth mentioning.

Overall, I highly recommend Enviro Rabbit Scram Granular Repellent. It’s worked wonders for my garden and kept those pesky rabbits at bay.

Luster Leaf Rabbit Repellent for Deer and Protection, 50-Pack


The Luster Leaf DR50 Plant Pro Tec Deer & Rabbit Repellent offers a natural defense to guard your garden from intrusive fauna. With its user-friendly, organic odor repellent clips, you can effortlessly position them around your plants, creating a deterrent for deer, rabbits, and other critters. The product comes equipped with a compact tool for simplifying the clipping process, allowing for easy placement in preferred locations.

Manufactured from 100% organic vegetation and garden protection substances, this deterrent boasts a long-standing garlic oil scent that successfully wards off wildlife. Numerous users have praised its efficacy in repelling rabbits and deer, keeping their plants in pristine condition and maintaining an appealing garden appearance.

The Luster Leaf DR50 Plant Pro Tec Deer & Rabbit Repellent is a perfect option for those seeking a chemical-free, hassle-free solution to safeguard their garden from unwelcome visitors. With a stellar reputation and positive feedback from satisfied customers, it’s a fantastic pick for any gardener desiring protection against deer and rabbits.

Liquid Fence: Effective Deer & Rabbit Deterrent Concentrate


Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent Concentrate, a trusted solution for gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts, protects precious landscapes and ornamental gardens from the destructive impact of deer and rabbits. Unlike traditional repellents, this effective concentrate works through scent, deterring the animals without the need for them to take a bite.

The versatile repellent, which can be used both indoors and outdoors, is safe for edibles, pets, and the environment. Its rain-resistant formula, easy-to-use spray bottle, and effective application on plants and trees ensure long-lasting protection. By addressing deer and rabbit damage head-on, Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent Concentrate enables gardeners to reclaim their outdoor spaces and preserve the beauty of their gardens.

Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent: Protect Your Garden & Keep Critters Away


Prevent your garden from turning into a smorgasbord for deer and rabbits before you get a chance to relish it! To the rescue comes Liquid Fence’s Deer & Rabbit Repellent Concentrate – a stellar solution that helps you safeguard your garden. This amazing scent-based deterrent keeps these unwanted guests at bay without causing any harm or affecting the plants in your garden.

The highly concentrated liquid formula makes it a perfect choice for those with sprawling gardens. Its ease of use allows you to mix it with a tank sprayer, enabling you to cover a vast area effortlessly. This scent barrier is known for its effectiveness in keeping these pests away from your prized plants.

This eco-friendly product is free of any harsh chemicals and is safe for year-round use. Its long-lasting, rain-resistant formula ensures continuous protection against deer and rabbits for up to two weeks.

Although humans might find the scent a bit off-putting, deer and rabbits have a natural aversion to it. This ensures that they won’t return, offering a long-lasting solution to your pest problem.

The product is simple to use, and many satisfied customers swear by its effectiveness. However, it’s crucial to adhere to the application instructions for the best results, particularly when dealing with larger landscapes.

Remember to reapply once a week for the first three weeks and approximately once a month thereafter, or after heavy rainfall, to maintain the invisible barrier. With Liquid Fence’s Deer & Rabbit Repellent Concentrate, you can bid farewell to those pesky four-legged intruders and enjoy your garden without any unwanted guests!

Liquid Fence Rabbit Repellent: Effective & Durable Outdoor Solution


I recently tried the Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent to protect my garden from these pesky animals.](https://best.serp.co/shop/deer-repellent/) The product is specifically designed to repel deer and rabbits without causing any harm to them or the plants. The scent in the liquid repellent is a bit strong, but it’s something I can live with as it keeps the animals at bay.

One of the things that stood out to me is that the formula is rain resistant, ensuring that the product stays effective even after a rain shower. Additionally, since deer and rabbits have a natural aversion to this scent, they don’t need to eat the repellent for it to be effective. This makes the Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent a more humane alternative to other deterrents that involve killing the animals.

However, I did notice that the product’s effectiveness wanes a bit after about four weeks. I had to reapply it to make sure it continued to work. Also, I made sure to apply it only to the perimeter of my garden and not directly to the plants, as some reviews mentioned it could damage the plants.

Overall, I’m quite happy with the product and its ability to keep the animals away from my garden. It may not work perfectly in all situations, but it’s definitely worth trying as a natural and humane alternative to repel deer and rabbits from your property.

Buyer’s Guide

When it comes to protecting your garden from unwanted intruders like rabbits, you need a reliable and effective rabbit repellent. This buyer’s guide will help you understand the important features and considerations of the various rabbit repellent products available in the market, ensuring that you make an informed decision for your needs.

Types of Rabbit Repellents

Rabbit repellents come in different forms, each with its pros and cons. Some of the most common types are listed below and include their respective advantages and drawbacks. Make sure you consider your specific requirements when choosing one of these types of rabbit repellent. 1. Chemical Repellents 2. Physical Repellents

Chemical Repellents

Chemical repellents use active ingredients like capsaicin, hot pepper extract, or garlic oil to deter rabbits from your garden. These products are usually applied as a spray, granules, or mixed with water. Some of the benefits and drawbacks of using chemical rabbit repellents include the following: • Pros: Fast-acting, long-lasting, and easy to apply. • Cons: Can be toxic to pets, children, and wildlife, may negatively affect plant growth, and could harm benevolent insects.

Physical Repellents

Physical repellents, on the other hand, use barriers or deterrents to keep rabbits away from your garden. Fences, nets, and electric wires are some common examples. These repellents are effective as they prevent rabbits from entering or accessing your plants. However, they also have some limitations and benefits, such as: • Pros: Effective deterrents, can be a long-term solution, and less impact on the environment. • Cons: Expensive to install, can be difficult to set up, and may not be fully visible, which could result in rabbits still finding their way onto your property.

Considerations When Choosing a Rabbit Repellent

When shopping for a rabbit repellent, consider the following factors to help you make the best decision for your needs. 1. Type of rabbit repellent 2. Likely frequency of application 3. Environmental impact and safety for pets and wildlife 4. Cost and availability 5. Suitability for your specific garden space


What is rabbit repellent and how does it work?

Rabbit repellent is a substance used to deter rabbits from entering gardens, lawns, or other areas where they are not wanted. It works by either making the area unpleasant or unattractive for rabbits due to smell, taste, or texture or by providing a physical barrier that rabbits cannot penetrate. The most common types of repellent are granular, liquid, or solid products that contain specific ingredients, such as bloodmeal, bone meal, or putrescent egg solids.

These repellents are designed to irritate rabbits when they come into contact with the treated areas. They typically require reapplication after rain or watering, as the effectiveness diminishes over time when wet. Some repellents may also require reapplying every few weeks for optimal results without harming the environment or other plants.

Are there any natural rabbit repellent options?

Yes, there are various natural rabbit repellent options that you can choose from. Some of the most well-known natural repellents include bloodmeal, bone meal, and putrescent egg solids. Bloodmeal, in particular, is highly effective as it has a strong smell that rabbits dislike and contains nitrogen, which is toxic to them. Bone meal is another effective natural deterrent that can be applied around the perimeter of your garden to repel rabbits naturally.

In addition to these, other natural rabbit repellents include chili flakes or powder, urine of predators such as foxes or coyotes, and organic ammonia-based products. While these may not be as immediately effective as some commercial products, they are generally safer for the environment and beneficial organisms.

Can I use rabbit repellent to protect my vegetables?

Yes, you can definitely use rabbit repellent to protect your vegetables from being damaged and eaten by rabbits. Rabbits are notorious for nibbling on plants and crops in gardens, which can lead to a significant loss of food production. By applying a rabbit repellent around the perimeter of your vegetable garden, you can deter rabbits from entering the area and prevent them from damaging your crops.

However, it is essential to ensure that you use the correct type and amount of rabbit repellent, as overapplication can be harmful to beneficial organisms and the environment. Regularly check and reapply the repellent after rain or watering periods, as this will help prolong the protective barrier and keep rabbits away from your plants.

Are there any cons or side effects of using rabbit repellent?

While rabbit repellents are generally considered safe and effective, there are some side effects or downsides to consider. One of the most common issues is the potential harm to beneficial organisms and the environment. If the repellent is not applied carefully or in accordance with the instructions, it can negatively impact plants, soil microbes, pollinators, and other non-target species.

Another disadvantage of rabbit repellent is the temporary nature of its effectiveness. Repellents need to be applied consistently and reapplied after rain or watering to remain effective. This can become time-consuming and may not be the best solution for individuals who are looking for a longer-term, less labor-intensive method of rabbit control.

Can rabbit repellent harm pets or livestock?

In general, rabbit repellents should not pose harm to pets or livestock if properly used and applied as directed. However, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prevent accidental contamination or exposure. Keeping pets and livestock at a safe distance from the treated area is also essential to prevent any unintentional harm.

Some natural repellents, such as bloodmeal or putrescent egg solids, can cause a mild irritation if they come into contact with pets or livestock skin or eyes. It is always best to test natural repellents in a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that they will not cause a reaction before using them on a larger scale.

Is it necessary to use a combination of rabbit repellent products?

You do not have to use a combination of rabbit repellent products to achieve good results. However, there are cases where using multiple types of rabbit repellents simultaneously can be beneficial. For example, if you have a large area to protect, using a granular or liquid repellent to cover a broad area may be more efficient, while using a solid repellent like chili flakes or powder in specific problem areas can provide an extra deterrent.

Ultimately, the decision to use a combination of rabbit repellents will depend on the individual’s needs and preferences. Experimenting with different types and quantities of repellents may help you find the most effective strategy for your specific situation. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and consider using a barrier or deterrent as an alternative method to reinforce the protects.

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